Neuropathy dysfunctions the nerves that result in tingling, numbness, and weakness in the muscle. Neuropathies start in the feet and hands but can even affect other parts of the body. The neuropathy treatment machine is an innovative medical device for producing energy waves with electric cell signaling. The system treats circulatory issues. The issues can be long-term pain, chronic pain, and drug-resistant pain.
Machine performance
The treatment system offers a parameter signaling for neuromuscular efficacious reeducation and muscle strengthening. The medical device is a signaling device of the electric cell and is original. Experts use the treatment device for clinical research, published in various medical journals. It proves the ability to regenerate nerves and reverse painful neuropathy.
Various published medical reports cover neuropathic conditions. The conditions are foot drop, long-term intractable pain conditions, and CIPN. The treatment machine is effective, safe, reimbursed, and user-friendly.
Clinical benefits
The electric cell signaling protocols and application subject to clinical trials. They publish the results in numerous scientific, medical, and academic literature and publications. The efficiency of the technologies demonstrate the treatment results and reinforce through the testimonials of the patients. The benefits of clinical use are:
- The machine is non-invasive, user-friendly, effective, and safe for reimbursable treatment.
- It has minimal side effects and easily avoids.
- The machine has high satisfaction, outcome, and patient compliance.
- It helps in a substantial reduction in the patient’s referrals.
Clinical indications
The neuropathy treatment machine helps with symptomatic relief and management of long-term chronic pain. It helps in treating post-traumatic pain syndromes with adjunctive treatment. It also helps in managing post-surgical pain conditions with adjunctive treatment. The machine helps to relax the muscle spasms. It helps in neuro-muscular reeducation and prevents disuse atrophy. It maintains and increases the range of motion and local circulation. It stimulates the post-surgical calf muscles to avoid phlebothrombosis.
The technology of electrical cell signaling treatment refers to the use of energy waves of an electronic signal. These electronic signals produced by the ultra-high digital frequency generator (UHdfg). The therapeutic pulsed energy waves are non-invasively and comfortably deliver into the anatomical region of the body.
The treatment system has various published reports of medical journals and studies that involve the treatment machines. These machines successfully treat multiple medical indications, neurogenic pain conditions, and syndromes. The system is original and clinically utilized with the published Combined Electrochemical Treatment (CET) protocol.