Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, sometimes referred to as a nose job, has been around for a long time now. The procedure is completed at clinics and hospitals all over the world, and most people are quite satisfied with the results. But many people are scared to consider surgery for many reasons. The way to get past your fear is to ask questions. A discussion with a surgeon is the best way to get specific information about your case. But here are some of the most common questions people have about rhinoplasty.
- Should I Get a Nose Job? This is the main question, of course. We are often uncertain about our appearance. If you are unhappy with your nose, you might wonder if a surgery is the right option. The best thing to do is to get the opinions of people you trust, but also the opinions of a surgeon. Maybe at a place like https://www.nopparatclinic.com/surgery/ศัลยกรรมจมูก/. You might find out that people think your nose is just fine.
- Am I a Good Candidate for Nose Surgery: Not everyone can be accepted to have a procedure done? The best candidates for surgery are adults, because their face will change much less after the surgery. Other considerations are: Are you a healthy individual with no other medical considerations that might cause complications. And do you have a realistic perspective about what you can expect from surgery?
- What Would I look Like after Surgery? This question used to be much more difficult to answer, there was always a difference between what you thought you were getting, what the surgeon thought you wanted, and what was possible to do. Today, with digital imaging, it is possible to get a much more precise estimation of the expected result before you make an appointment.
- How Long is the Recovery Time: Recovery time from rhinoplasty can vary depending on how much work was done. You can expect to have the splints removed within 7- 10 days. But you will have swelling for at least two weeks. And you really should not return to a fully active lifestyle for at least three weeks.
- What if I Don’t Like the Result? Noses are very complicated, and though your surgeon will do their utmost to ensure you will get the result you are hoping for, sometimes there can be some disagreement.
Correcting rhinoplasty is even more complicated than the original surgery. It is important to speak to your surgeon about all your concerns before the surgery.