Impotence refers to the inability of a male’s penis to become erect enough to have sex. The medical term for impotence is erectile dysfunction (Ed). ED is not the same as spontaneous ejaculation, which is orgasm caused by muscular spasms in the male reproductive system. The major causes of ED are: hormonal (testosterone), vascular (blood supply) disorder, neurological disorder, and psychological disorders. Impotence can be temporary or long-lasting.
Two forms of psychological disorders that can cause impotence are anxiety and sexual dysfunctions. Anxiety usually develops during times of stress, like during exams or when deadlines loom. People experiencing anxiety may also experience lapses of sexual function. Meanwhile, sexual dysfunctions are caused by psychological causes like unrealistic expectations about sex.
If you have one of the psychological causes mentioned above, you may want to try some lifestyle changes to treat your impotence. One lifestyle change is a healthy diet. A healthy diet may not immediately cure impotence, but it can make you feel healthier and help you prevent impotence from occurring in the future. A healthy diet includes lots of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and water. You should avoid red meat, caffeine, and alcohol.
Impotence can also be caused by various types of health conditions. Some of these include benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and neurological disorders. Impotence is not always caused by physical health conditions. For instance, ED may be caused by physiological factors such as nervousness or abnormal heart rhythms. Physical health conditions that can affect impotence include smoking, heart disease, and cardiac stress.
On the other hand, many people experience impotence for reasons other than physical causes. For example, some people experience impotence because they are emotionally upset, stressed, depressed, anxious, or depressed. If you are experiencing impotence, and it is affecting your ability to have sex, you should discuss these issues with your doctor or visit to request a consultation. Your doctor will be able to assist you with emotional and mental treatments for overcoming your impotence. In some cases, he or she may recommend psychotherapy or medication as ways to treat impotence.
In the end, you must consider the different causes of impotence and how they can affect your life. Although impotence can affect men and women of all ages, it is more common among men. This is because men have higher risk factors for heart disease and high blood pressure. In addition, women experience impotence more often because of hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy. To find out more about the physical causes of impotence and how you can treat them, speak to a licensed physician today.
What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)? Erectile dysfunctions (ED) is when you cannot get an erection or have weak erections. It can also indicate that your erections don’t last long or are weak. In the older days, erectile dysfunctions were thought to be caused by psychological issues alone. However, it is now known that most men having erectile dysfunctions are suffering from physical issues as well. These are mostly related to the lack of blood supply to the penis.
Impotence can be caused by a number of physical and psychological causes. One of the most common causes is low sexual arousal. Men who experience low sexual arousal tend to have lesser sexual desire, and thus find it difficult to maintain an erection and last long enough to enjoy complete sexual satisfaction. However, the physical reason behind impotence is slightly different as it is often caused by muscle strain, injury, and depression.
Injuries may cause impotence as a result of nerve damage or infection around the spinal cord. An accident involving the spinal cord can result in physical injury including impotence. Sometime the neurological condition related to strokes may lead to impotence or the disorder of the nerves that control ejaculation.
Impotence can also be caused by unhealthy lifestyle changes. These include smoking, uncontrolled alcohol intake, high fat diet, and insufficient exercise. Consuming a healthy diet and making sure to get regular physical activity will help you stay fit and prevent impotence. Consuming alcohol in moderation is also essential as it not only affects your body’s metabolism but also adversely affects your sex drive and thereby your relationship with your partner.
Some forms of impotence are more serious than others. The most serious form is erectile dysfunction wherein impotence may lead to permanent infertility. Erectile Dysfunction is a condition where a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection long enough to complete sexual intercourse. Erectile Dysfunction has a lot of psychological causes apart from physical ones. It can be caused by emotional stress, life disappointments, traumatic incidents, or even poor health. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and lack of substance abuse can help you overcome erectile dysfunction.
Impotence is a serious condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible. Remember that premature ejaculation may also be the result of a heart disease or vascular disorder. So, make sure to check out all the possible physical causes of impotence and then address the issue that requires immediate medical attention.