One of the most important things other than life in this world for a human being is the five senses a human is born with. The five senses, which are seeing, hearing, speaking, smelling, and the ability to touch, are very important because, without them, a person can not really perform daily activities and live life normally. Life becomes very tough if a person has an impairment in one of the senses. One should be careful and should not perform activities that can alter the senses that a person has. Every impaired person knows the real value of senses that a normal person takes so lightly. One of the most delicate and fragile, which can be easily affected, is hearing. It is said that a human ear can hear up to twenty thousand hertz, and any sound that is above that level can harm the human ear.
The human ear is not designed to hear after some level, but humans, due to their greed and stupidity, have made certain devices that can cross the hearing level. Even if these devices have different purposes but what can have more priority than taking care of one’s ability to sense.
Things which can harm the human ear are :
- Long exposure to loud noise such as loudspeakers, any blast noise, from a gunshot, from traffic, etc.
- Ears are very delicate organs of one’s body. Any infection from dirt and various other things can harm the ear and later result in a loss of hearing.
The main problem with hearing is that it can be very hard to tell if a person needs a hearing aid. you may need hearing aids when one feels that he can listen clearly. The thing with hearing is that one needs to constantly check if their ear is in the top condition or not. Common traits if a person needs to apply for a hearing aid are :
- If a person constantly demands the other person to speak up or to repeat what one is speaking.
- It is said that if a person constantly hears a ringing sound in his or her ear, they are close to losing their ability to hear.
Sum up
So, in a nutshell, if the person thinks he or she is having difficulty in hearing, they should contact their respective doctors and may apply for a hearing aid.